Edouard Leon Cortes

Cortes was born on August 8, 1882, in Lagny-sur-Marne, about twenty miles east of Paris. His father, Antonio Cortès, had been a painter for the Spanish Royal Court. In 1914 Cortès married Fernande Joyeuse, with whom he had a daughter in 1916. Although Cortès was a pacifist, when war came close to his native village … Continue reading Edouard Leon Cortes

Antoine Blanchard

Antoine Blanchard was born in France on November 15, 1910 in a small village near the banks of the Loire.  He was the eldest of three children and his father, a carver, managed a small carpentry and furniture shop.  Antoine would watch his father hand carve the furniture and began to display an artistic flair … Continue reading Antoine Blanchard

G. Harvey

Known for paintings closely linked in mood and subject matter to Edouard Cortes [1882-1962], G Harvey creates romanticized street scenes of turn of the century towns in America. Rain slick streets reflect urban lights, and the weather is obviously cold. He grew up in the rugged hills north of San Antonio, Texas from where herds … Continue reading G. Harvey